Andrew Hudson x Popworks

5th January 2023

Summer shades and bold lettering

There’s no getting around it: if you’re a business whose speciality is popped corn crisps, you’re going to have to ensure your branding pops. So, grain-based snack purveyors Popworks reached out to London creative agency Margaret. They, in turn, found the right man for the job: TDF’s Andrew Hudson.
With a palette that illuminates the page – or most forms of consumer packaging, in fact – and typography that gets a message seen, Andrew created a series of posters emblazoned with summer shades and bold lettering, ribboning around characters in the throes of crisp-chomping ecstasy.
We highly recommend devouring Andrew’s BTS vid – from concept creation to cut-out letters, from iPad sketches to street poster pilgrimage – while munching on some slightly salted knobbly snacks. You’ve earned it, buddy.
Andrew, by the way, recommends the sweet chipotle chilli flavour. And don’t forget to next wander over to his TDF gallery after snacktime.

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